Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As I promised I would post some belly pictures that we had done not quite a week before Elijah was born! Boy was I cutting it close!!! But they came out beautifully!! Thank you James Reyes!




Our Prince

Born July 9th at 7:35am! The day after Daddy's Birthday!!
August - I am getting BIG!

September and ready for riding in cooler weather!

What This Nation Needs....

I have been contemplating a new post for some time now. Life around here has been a little more busy since our little prince arrived!. Will post some pictures of him soon as well. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as we walked through the miscarriage and then on to having our wonderful SON!

What is God doing??

He's moving FAST!

I can't say enough how time is speeding up! The time is upon us that we have to focus on the heart of the Lord - saving the LOST. His heart is for HIS people. He created us and want us for his own. It's our job just as He sent the disciples we have the command to Go into the World preaching the Gospel. 

Pastor Craig and Fran, from Spirit of Life Church, grabbed a hold of a word from Billye Brim and Gloria Copeland to put bill boards up across the nation saying "What this Nation needs is an Awakening to GOD" We are now in the process of asking hundreds of church's in Nashville and the surrounding area to put this message on their church signs the first Sunday of the month and even to purchase a bill board for a year displaying this message. 

This message is as Pastor Fran says, a sermon in its self! We don't need to say any more unless asked. Our nation needs to awaken to God - the one true God! If you are apart of a church and would like to share this vision with your pastor please feel free to send them to the church web page and contact the church office. 

It is time to seek God more than ever before. The time is now to stand firm in Christ as we are in the last days and many will fall away. I pray that you and your family are planted in a church and are being fed the Word of God. Fellowship with believers is so important! I know I have said it before but I am so great full for my church family! 
