Thursday, August 27, 2009


The recent events in my life brought an unexpected curve in the journey. I didn't see this coming at all. Although I had two people ask me if I was pregnant in July and that made me wonder...but I wasn't pregnant then.

I can not say that walking this road the past few weeks has been just a smooth jaunt. It's been a little bumpy. But the bumps weren't something that should have been there they were bumps that I made by fear and doubt.

Something that God has been speaking to me and John about is negativity. Negative thinking. Negative speach. Anything that goes against the word of God and what He says is negative. Now I know that circumstances in this world may say something that is contrary to God's word and promises for us, that's where we say BUT God says ____________. It's important to not let negative thinking and speach to control me.

God says that we will do greater things that Jesus did. That means that in this world we should expect to walk in the awesome power that Jesus walked in. I dare to believe God and take Him at his word. He says he Honors His word even above HIS NAME!! Now come on...HIS NAME that is huge! He told Moses that he was I AM. He is everything that we have need of. I say I need a miracle in my finances-He says I AM JEOVAH JIRAH the Lord is My provider.

I have been at this place where I am realizing that so much of what we say determins what happens. If I believe in the Almighty that is I AM then I should be walking as His daughter full of His power. To get that power requires something. It requires my time in His prensnce. Being filled with His word so that when satan comes to tempt me I will know what to say. I know that satan will come just as he came at Jesus. But Jesus had the response - the Word. That is what I have to repond with...not what I feel or think.

Being told that I am losing this little one has faced me with this very thing. Saying what God says or getting down and negative about the report that man says. Now the nurse said to me that I've already blown her away! They expected my counts to drop when I lost those 5pt over that one weekend. But it came back and doubled in 72 hrs and has continued to rise. I'm expecting it to rise even higher by my next visit.

What is God dealing with you right now? What challenge are you facing that seems to be so big?
Remember that God is bigger than any circumstance and that He is in control we just have to stay in His prensence and allow I AM to speak and move in our lives.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Life

Well, as I posted several days ago there was some uncertainty about the new life growing with in my womb. I've been back and forth to the doctors for blood tests. Today I was scheduled to go in do see my OB and learn of my results from yesterday.

I have to tell you that I was nervous going to the doctor this morning. John and I have been praying and believing God for HIS report not man's report on this new life. He's the one that gives life and we know that He is in control no matter what. I was still nervous. I was believing for the best but also preparing for the worst. Which when I think about that that really doesn't show much for my faith in my God. I should know with out a shadow of a doubt that this little one is in the shadow of the Almighty and that HE is taking care of this child. I told myself that I wanted to be prepared if it went the other way...and that made me fear.

Back to the doctors office...

I had to wait in the waiting room and then the nurse called me back. They all know me there - pretty much (I have 3 kids under the age of 5 so I've been there a lot). She was really sweet and asked "How are you doing Hun?" in this kind of sympathy tone.

Nerves are going crazy now

I get into the room and she says "She'll talk with you in a little bit".




I was about to cry when I heard the nurse say "She's in room 8 what do I need to prepare?"

I waited over 30min for her to come in.

And then...the results....went up from 75 to 114!!!!!

It was like this weight was lifted from me and instantly we just began talking about the plan and what she was concerned about. I had an ultrasound to check things out and then we were done. Scheduled to do blood tests again Monday. Just awesome!!!

God is faithful!! Even when I was still believing, but questioning/doubting what was going on...He knew and was in control the whole time. So often we do that with any situation that arises, but even more so when we have absolutely no control over what is happening. All I could and was to do was trust and believe God and that is what we are to do at all times. Have faith.

I'm so excited for this report and I know that it's only going to go up from here!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are continuing to pray for this new life and every part of this pregnancy.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Please be praying

I ask that you please be praying for me and the little one in my womb. I don't really want to share details right now as things are uncertain (in the natural), but I ask that you pray for us, for God to work a miracle and for Him to get the Glory! I will post more when the time comes.

Thank you so much! God is Faithful to His word and I trust and rely upon Him!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pregnancy update and other news

Well, the news is we are waiting. I went in Thursday last week and had blood drawn for HCG levels. It came back at 80 so we are testing again on Monday so I will know more on Tuesday. Thankfully the bleeding has stopped (again) and hasn't come back as of today.


In other news...we went to Chuck E Cheese today with the girls. It was Faith's first time really and she had a blast!! They took many pictures with Chuck in the little car and played a lot of games (with Mommy and Daddy's help of course). We won over 300 tickets and they got their prizes and were thrilled!

Elizabeth threw up in the middle of Baby's R Us..lots of fun there. And then threw up all over me in the van. YUCK! I'm glad that my nose isn't sensitive yet!

Football is on and my girls are playing basketball...hmmm...well not really. Baths are all done and soon it's bed time!

Hope you have had a wonderful weekend! God bless!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 we go again


Totally not planned (using protection to stop from having another little Greer for a while) but we are now apart of the 3% of the population that gets pregnant while using protection!!!
Yes, have a good laugh because we did! God is so funny and we are so very excited. Should be due mid to end of April, but won't know for sure till after doctor appointments.

I can't tell you really how excited we are because we know that God has got something in store for us as this does not take Him by surprise.

I am looking forward to being able to blog about this pregnancy as I haven't ever done that before. :-)

I hope you have had a blessed day!!

Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you... Jer 1:5

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nutella Challenge!!

Okay, so my wonderful husband came up with the idea for my Nutella Challenge recipe...and well it is YUMMMMMMMY!!!!

Feast you eyes on this.....

Yeah, looks good...and here's how you can make it for yourself.


Sourdough bread cut into thick slices - or whatever bread you want to use.
Cut a little pocket into the bread and spread in your Nutella to your liking.

Heat up your pan. Make sure it's greased (you can use some butter to cook it in)

4 eggs
3/4 cup millk
1 teaspoon nutmeg
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnimon

wisk together and then soak each piece of bread in it.

Cook until browned to your liking...and then pour on some maple syrup and top with some whip cream!!! ENJOY

Monday, August 3, 2009

Defining Moments

I have been in a contemplative state lately. Just thinking about my life - the journey that I have been on and what God has done in my life so far and what I expect in the future.

I have to say that I have had many defining moments in my life. Choices I made or things that have happened to me that have helped bring and shape me to what I am now. I am wondering what defining moments are ahead of me in the next 10 yrs.

I can look back and see God's hand upon my life as a kid. Moving from Nebraska - a small small town - to Arkansas where it was like I was in a BIG city (but really wasn't) then to Tennessee the BIG Little city of Nashville. I was really quite mad at my dad for each of the moves I have to admit. In fact I wrote the president of the district and told him about how upset I was among many things.


Then there are the wonderful choices I made and things that happened to me as a teen-ager. WOW did God protect me so many times!!! And as I grew and changed He began to prick my heart drawing me more and more. I grew up in church. Being a PK has it's good and bad. But I didn't have a true relationship with the Lord. It was religion.

I began searching because I knew that there had to be more to God than what I knew and was being taught. And I found the unlikely places...worshiping with a bunch of other college students I was introduced to the power of the Holy Spirit and the awesomeness that is GOD.
I will never forget that defining moment. It changed me! It changed my walk with God. I went seeking and I found HIM!!!

In finding Him in this new way I was then pointed to Spirit of Life Church...another defining and God moment! I knew it was home from the first time I came to a service. I have gained another family at Spirit of Life and I'm so grateful for them. I met my now husband there as well...doesn't get any better than that!!!

Defining moments - there are many that I haven't even touched on. Each of us have defining moments...sometimes it comes from a choice we have to make. I want to make the choices that God has for me and not what I want to do. I want God to define my life and for the defining moments in my life to be God moments.

Being Defined by GOD.

Being Refined by God.