Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jesus Love ME

Jesus loves me this I know

For the Bible tells me so

Little ones to Him belong

They are weak but

He is strong

Yes Jesus loves me

Yes Jesus loves me

Yes Jesus loves me

For the Bible tells

Me so

My sweet Faith sang this to me Sunday night. The day of my miscarriage.

I have to say I wasn't prepaired for how her sweet voice would touch me and then let alone the

tears that would fall by those sweet words that we sing so very often.

Jesus love me and loves our little one, who belongs to Him.

I can say that losing our child hasn't been easy, but it hasn't been something that has made me

lose hope or my faith in my Lord and Savior. While I am sad at the loss, God has given John and I

such a peace and joy through this that I know that He is only going to give back to us even more

than what we lost. We know that He's in control and He has a better plan what we can see.

We have been blessed with a wonderful church family who's been so wonderful through this! I can

express how greatful I am for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who have been praying

for John and I. I am also greatful to those who read this blog and have prayed for me during this

time! Thank you for those sweet prayers and your time. I pray that God blessed each one of you

